Performance of The 3 Blades Horizontal Savonius Water Wheel With Variation of Angle Deflector

Daniel Wibowo, Dwiseno Wihadi, Martanto Martanto, Tjendro Tjendro, Ronny A


In Indonesia the needs toward energy has been increasing. Therefore, eco-friendly renewable energy becomes an alternative power source. In relation to the idea, within the conduct of the experimental study the researcher designed a Savonius-type waterwheel with horizontal axis and the waterwheel was tested in the river stream. Then, within the design the researcher applied one waterflow regulator with the angle variation 30˚, 45˚ and 60˚. The study was conducted on river flow with a flow velocity of ± 0.6 m / s. the result is the addition of the deflector angle affects the ability to support the load, the maximum wheel efficiency
(Cp) of 0.57.


Savonius, waterwheel, Cp


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