PENGARUH FAKTOR DEMOGRAFI DAN PERSONALITY TERHADAP KEAHLIAN DALAM END USER COMPUTING (Studi Kasus Guru dan Karyawan Administrasi pada Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri di Kotamadya Yogyakarta)

Petrus Wisnubroto


This study aims to analyze the influence of demographic factors ( age , gender , education , experience ) and personality factors ( computer anxiety , computer attitude , math anxiety ) to the end user computing expertise of personnel either partially or simultaneously . Models the influence of the demographic variables and personality skills in end user computing research model replicated from Harrison and Rainer (1992 ) and the research model and Gudono Rifa (1998). The study was conducted on teacher and administrative employees of State High School I to XI in Yogyakarta Municipality considering charging adminsitrasinya teacher certification performed with computerized online program for you State , appropriate curriculum in 2013 all teachers in the learning process to educate students using computerized , so too the acceptance of new students each academic year always use the on-line computerized . Thus both teachers and administrative staff are required to have expertise in End user Computing . So the research conducted to analyze the influence of demographic factors and personality to expertise in End User Computing. The results showed that demographic factors (age - gender - experience) has a direct influence on the expertise in end user computing 0 , 001 ; 0 , 027 ; 0,007 . Personality factors of computer anxiety (fear - Anticipation 0.057) ; computer attitude (Intimidation 0.05) has a direct influence on the expertise in end user computing . The results were quite surprising is the demographic factors (educational 0.117) , personality factors of computer attitude (0.760 pessimism - optimism 0.150) ; math anxiety (0.334) is not significant enough to expertise in end user computing . To improve performance in the Public High Schools in Yogyakarta municipality with regard to the introduction of new technology on- line computerized system above , need to be considered in decisions about withdrawal of the human resources , training and implementation of computer education for personnel and equipment. Provision of adequate facilities is expected to increase its expertise in end user computing , which in turn improves the performance of State High School and individual performance


End User Computing , demographics , personality


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